Custom Tattoo Designs

Custom Tattoo Designs

Samantha Beedie

Creating a custom design is your chance to infuse your personal touch into a one-of-a-kind artwork. 

Once I receive you ideas and we have a date booked in for you, I will let you know a time frame in which I will get a sketch over to you. This is usually within a week of your tattoo appointment.

Once you have view the sketch and chatted to me about any edits, the line work and shading will be ready for your appointment day.

If you would like to book in with me for a Tattoo, the design cost is included  Contact Me! to chat about your design and get booked in. 

  • Measurements of the area in either cm or inches.
  • location photo of the area; I ensure the tattoo complements your body and existing work, and offer a design preview for your chosen area. (draw marks on the image; this will visually show me where you want the tattoo placed)
  • list of all elements to be included
  • send references/images of your ideas
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